The Telugus

BJP Evacuation Not  As Massive  As   Gujaral’s

BJP Evacuation Not  As Massive  As   Gujaral’s

by Channanagaraj

Is Operation Ganga being over publicised?  Narendra Modi may not have praised it himself, his party has a massive PR group which claims his 13 evacuation efforts were unprecedented.

Evacuation efforts of the government is a good step as it is the responsibility of the government of the day. But it is bad when the government makes it a virtue out of necessity. It was not the biggest ever such operation.

The biggest ever evacuation effort by any Government in the past was from Kuwait when IK Gujral was the PM. The number of people evacuated were 1.7 lakhs as against 18,000 in Ukraine now. Every life is important. Kuwait evacuation those days were hailed as a great success by the world community. I was not aware of it’s enormity until it was revealed by a foreign minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s NDA 1 Government.

Even in the Ukraine operation there were many complaints of students walking long distances, going without food,  and living in bunkers. One was killed and another injured, both from Karnataka.

It was evacuation and goody but not as massive as  that of 1990 .

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