Evaluation of Evacuation
For War, Disaster, Differs
by Sobha
Bhaktàs are for different leaders; not NaMo alone but even for ‘Pappu’ RaGha Similar are evacuations for different reasons. Normally Indians àre evacuated from a foreign country as a measure of disaster management; when they are hit by an earthquake, flood or something like it They may be brought home if there is an epidemic or war. The events are so different and the rescue differs too.
It is not the number of people alone that matters, Comparing them, therefore is a matter of whose Bhakt one is. Obviously the earlier aúthor who quoted Ms Menon and said many praised NaMo is a Modi Bhakt. Channanagaraj is obviously a Rahul Gandhi (Parsi Feroze’s grandson can only be Ghandy) Bhakt or a Modi-hater who sees an “undeclared emergency” now while ignoring the real one in which hundreds who differed were jailed. He sees invisible media curbs now but not press censorship which hid public opinion and made RaGha’s grandma go to polls and lose And the dynasty must rule .
Responding to Nagaraj, KK Rao of Visakhapatnam said whether it was Gujarat or Modi India always cared for her children and rescued them.It never left them as orphans… No wonder it is called motherland and not, as in the West, fatherland.
Was it Modi’s fault or the greatness of Gujaral that the number was more then? India had good ties with both Kuwait and Saudís but Ukraine had always been pro-Pak and India was closer to the USA than to Russia. Persuading respect for the Indian flag, Modi used his personal influence and image. Gujaral was good but his charisma cannot be compared to Modi’s
A.B.Vajpayee was known to have praised Indira ao Durga in 1971 war. Now it is said his own minister revealed Gujaral’s ‘great achievement. Did Modi boast of Pak and Turkish students hiding under the Indian flag? Can one show a single praise of Modi by the Ghandys in the last 25 years? If he was always bad how did he get re-elected so many times?
Or is the reason for the criticism of ‘Operation Ganga’ as against Rahat, Homecoming or Sealift earlier? lf Ganga is Hindu what is ‘Rahat’?