Shiva Linga Tree: Couroupita guianensis
One of the trees in the Indian subcontinent that is considered sacred is Shiva Linga tree. The Shiva Linga tree is variously...
Cauvery (Kaveri): Irrigational and Cultural Lifeline
Cauvery is an east-flowing river in southern India. It originates in the Western Ghats and flows southeast for about 800 km, touching...
Grandfather of the Future
Dr. Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) is recognised for his work on the Geodesic Dome. A geodesic dome is a hemispherical thin-shell structure,...
Kirtan: Untranslatable Indian Word
Kirtan is a Sanskrit word, कीर्तन , and found its way literally to other Indian languages including English as it is ‘kirtan’.
Throughout the world there are many ways to make a cup of coffee. Within a country also there...
Decoction means a process, or action, of extracting the essence of something from something. Decoction is a concentrated liquor resulting from heating...
Goulash (Gulasch)
Goulash is a Hungarian dish, gulasch: soup, or stew. It consists of meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb) cooked in a sauce and...
Theosophy, Theology
Theosophy, Theology
Theosophy is a philosophy. Theosophy aims at a direct knowledge of God by means of meditation and...
The terracotta objects are not unusual across India. Artisans and craftsmen are engaged in creating finest earthenware objects for more than two...
Down, Downs, Wenlock Downs
Down, Downs, Wenlock Downs
Down functions as an adverb (Laxman fell down), preposition (Laxman ran...